Name: Gast
Drachen: (noch) keine
Punkte: (noch) keine
Gold: 1800
Forum  News  Highscore  Dragopedia  15.03.2025 16:39:11 Uhr

Beweise Dich als meisterhafter Stratege, schlauer Händler und kluger Herrscher in Dragosien, dem Land der Drachen.

Errichte eine Siedlung, baue eine Drachenzucht auf und messe Dich in der königlichen Liga der Drachen.

Spiele online, direkt im Browser, in einer Welt mit realen Spielern, echter Strategie, friedlichem Handel und sportlichem Vergleich.

Kostenlos mitspielen:




Profil der Gilde Knights Of The Legendary Wight (KOTLW).

Die Mitglieder und ihre Drachen:

Marjona (Edelritter der Führung und Verwaltung, 2.348 Punkte) mit: Stronghold


Once upon a time, in the very early ages of Dragosien, there has been a guild of unwanted people who had one thing in common: they knew how to talk to dragons! These men and women were the only people treating these legendary creatures with due respect. They have been able to domesticate the dragons and therefore been able to fly upon a dragon’s back.

They are known as the “Knights of the Legendary Wight

In those days Dragosien's citizen usually were afraid of dragons. They feared their strength and endurance… but most of all they feared their fire! However a few people showed their deepest admiration for the rulers of heavens. These people were rare and rather unpopular. For this reason they avoided the streets and fortified villages of Dragosien and settled down in the density of the country's forests.
When the sovereigns of Dragosien's acreage called on their bravest knights and keenest hunters to kill all dragons throughout Dragosien a handful of unwanted people has already been after the dragons for a totally different reason: to warn them and protect them!
Unfortunately the rescuer couldn't save all dragons life but at least a few tens. Hidden in the evergreen mountains of Calasien they learned to live together with the dragons.
Years later, during the wars of pure avidity between the power-obsessed sovereigns the unwanted people became famous in all Calasien as they protected the acreage and their citizen and also succeeded to defend the barbican during the assault of the fortress on the back of a fire breathing dragon. Henceforward these people have been known as the “Knights of the Legendary Wight” (Wight is an archaic word and it means creature).
Knights on a dragon’s back were sent to every well- disposed province of Dragosien to support the battle against the evil sovereigns.
Nowadays the provinces are most likely as peaceful as Calasien and the Knights of the Legendary Wight had been buried in oblivion. Only fairytales refer to the ancient victories now that the citizens pay homage to the dragons throughout the country.
As a result of the respectful and non-violent competitions between dragons and their owners the guild is reuniting!

And you can BECOME A MEMBER NOW! All you have to do is writing a short application…

To lay the foundations…
…name your dragons somehow mystic or at least not too infantile!
…contribute reasonable amounts of basic materials (ONLY if necessarily needed!)
…have the will to accompany the guild forging ahead Dragosien's League of Dragon!
