Name: Gast
Drachen: (noch) keine
Punkte: (noch) keine
Gold: 1800
Forum  News  Highscore  Dragopedia  15.03.2025 11:36:19 Uhr

Beweise Dich als meisterhafter Stratege, schlauer Händler und kluger Herrscher in Dragosien, dem Land der Drachen.

Errichte eine Siedlung, baue eine Drachenzucht auf und messe Dich in der königlichen Liga der Drachen.

Spiele online, direkt im Browser, in einer Welt mit realen Spielern, echter Strategie, friedlichem Handel und sportlichem Vergleich.

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Profil von Rogue aus LoneNightwolfsien.
<b>Rogue</b> ist ein erfahrener, erwachsener Drache.

Rogue ♂ (817 Punkte, 1000 Elo)

Rogue ist ein erfahrener, erwachsener Drache.





Besondere Stärken:

16 gewonnen, 15 verloren

0 Gäste haben heute ungefähr 0 Geschenke verteilt
Dragon young, dragon bold.
By my kind I am told,
to protect those weak and old.
Call me a mighty dragon gold.


A Dragon's light

Slowly trying to look around
As the dark of night surrounds
Alone and cold,on their rock he waits
The darkness does not abate

Not afraid,he closes his eyes
And begins clearing his mind
He starts a chant learned long ago
As the warmth starts to flow

Knowing she is near
He has no fear
His body starts to glow
Softly at first,body heat flows

Soon the glow turns bright
Meant to guide her with his light
Still chanting he opens his eyes
With wings spread wide

Seeing his light shine
Toward him she glides
Eyes half closed
Her chant starts slow

Building speed,heat flows
Her body starts to glow
As it turns bright
He sees her light

To him she goes
Their friendship grows
All things they share
Together without a care


Dragon's Fire

Eyes of a child,
Smile of an angel,
A heart filled with dragon’s fire.
Run swift as a stallion,
Your breath as deep as a ravine.
Oh what tangled webs we weave in life,
That is in the abyss of your soul.
A raven’s cry,
To a baby’s laugh.
Night falls upon my eyes as I wait for death.
No more pain I say to that I know.
The pain he feels in his dragon heart,
He must surely say no more.
Though night is day,
And day is night,
A dragon sleeps through a winter’s dawn.
The howl of a wolf silences the dusk.
As the dragon’s eyes swirl with fire,
I can feel his flame all around me,
Yet I do not burn,
For I am a dragon’s child.
