Name: Gast
Drachen: (noch) keine
Punkte: (noch) keine
Gold: 1800
Forum  News  Highscore  Dragopedia  15.03.2025 11:47:59 Uhr

Beweise Dich als meisterhafter Stratege, schlauer Händler und kluger Herrscher in Dragosien, dem Land der Drachen.

Errichte eine Siedlung, baue eine Drachenzucht auf und messe Dich in der königlichen Liga der Drachen.

Spiele online, direkt im Browser, in einer Welt mit realen Spielern, echter Strategie, friedlichem Handel und sportlichem Vergleich.

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Profil von Manu uru aus LoneNightwolfsien.
<b>Manu uru</b> ist ein Drachenkind. Nun ist der richtige Moment, dem Kleinen Fliegen, Feuerspucken usw. beizubringen.

Manu uru ♂ (588 Punkte, 0 Elo)

Manu uru ist ein Drachenkind. Nun ist der richtige Moment, dem Kleinen Fliegen, Feuerspucken usw. beizubringen.



Besondere Stärken:

0 gewonnen, 0 verloren

0 Gäste haben heute ungefähr 0 Geschenke verteilt
Future of Earth

Long ago...
Underneath mountains of ancient rock,
Behind roaring waterfalls of crystal liquid,
Through skies of majestic vastness...

Flew the dragon.

They, bold and massive, ruled the
Land. They, glowing with the aura of
Immortality, wielded magicks beyond the understanding of
Any wizard.

One day, they vanished from reality.

No more mountains to claim,
No more waterfalls to lurk behind,
No more skies to master in effortless flight,
No more fiery flame or endless wisdom.

they were forgotten.

Twisted into myth, these creatures of
Power faded into despair, only in books
Were they're magnificence seen.

Today, the dragons
have returned.

Out of the ashes of humankind,
From the depths of Earth's boiling core,
They are reborn.

Corrupted lands
will be saved.

Nature will rule again,
sprouting out from between
the sidewalks of human
Looming over high-rise buildings,
Devouring the city into oblivion;
creatures roaming the night
children are prey
this is what you asked for
so do not be afraid.

Magic will return,
and we will
thrive in it's riches.

We are the beings that never


The Dragon's Storm

The lightening flashed and we saw the head
of a dragon in the cloud.
It seemed he took a deep, long breath
and we heard him monstrously loud.
The lightening flashed again, alas,
we thought he’d gone away;
But I heard him roar and I felt reassured
he hadn’t had his say.
The wind grew still and the air felt sharp;
’Twas only a matter of time
’Til he let loose with all his might
his fury on all mankind.

What deed was done to unleash his wrath,
so Chaos could reign unchecked?
What lesson was he teaching man
that he’d leave this world so wrecked?
Has man grown so wrapped within himself
that he no longer considers his friends?
Is it that man has a selfish heart
that has driven the dragon these ends?
Man lacks the strength to control the dragons
and must wait ’til they appease their lust;
But if he displays compassion and wisdom,
the dragons will be fair and just.

At last the lightening grew dim and weak
and the storm began to subside.
Those around me breathed a sigh of relief
for they thought the dragon had died.

Not so, dear friends, for the dragon lives
in the fire and the wind and the rain.
It will be only a matter of time
’til he chooses to visit again.
Let joy and peace grow in your hearts
for that will avert his wrath;
Real strength lies in the love of man
as he searches his life’s path.
