Name: Gast
Drachen: (noch) keine
Punkte: (noch) keine
Gold: 1800
Forum  News  Highscore  Dragopedia  15.03.2025 11:48:01 Uhr

Beweise Dich als meisterhafter Stratege, schlauer Händler und kluger Herrscher in Dragosien, dem Land der Drachen.

Errichte eine Siedlung, baue eine Drachenzucht auf und messe Dich in der königlichen Liga der Drachen.

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Profil von Ashanti aus LoneNightwolfsien.
<b>Ashanti</b> ist ein Drachenkind. Nun ist der richtige Moment, dem Kleinen Fliegen, Feuerspucken usw. beizubringen.

Ashanti ♀ (608 Punkte, 0 Elo)

Ashanti ist ein Drachenkind. Nun ist der richtige Moment, dem Kleinen Fliegen, Feuerspucken usw. beizubringen.



Besondere Stärken:

0 gewonnen, 0 verloren

0 Gäste haben heute ungefähr 0 Geschenke verteilt
Birth of a Dragon

An egg did shatter.
Oh, what a clatter!
Out popped a little red head.
It’s tiny young wings,
were the spiniest things,
and it opened it’s mouth to be fed.

The land gave a quake,
and people did shake,
then up swelled a terrible storm.
The sun grew dark,
and things seemed stark,
for a dragon had just been born.

Its tail grew long,
its wings grew strong,
and often it took to the sky.
Folks shed a tear,
and trembled in fear,
of this terrible thing that could fly.

Now, a dragon must sup,
to keep it’s strength up,
and cattle were lost to the fright.
And now and again,
a sheep or a hen,
and from time to time, a brave knight.

The dragon, it grew,
from the size of a shrew,
to the size of a mountain or two.
The people grew gruff,
and said, in a huff,
“Oh king, tell us what you will do.”

In a distant great hall,
the king gave a call,
“Bring me the dragon’s head.”
Armies did ride,
with fury and pride.
The beast was considered dead.

But the dragon did chuff,
and fire did puff,
and he lashed them with tail and claw.
With so many now dead,
the rest of them fled,
in a panic like none ever saw.

The people lost heart.
They packed up a cart,
and moved from the hills to the plain.
The dragon, he roared,
then upward he soared,
to inspect his conquered domain.

A word to the wise,
if a great dragon flies,
you might as well pack up the wagon.
A dragon needs bounds,
and all the surrounds,
will belong to the fiery dragon.

