Dies ist mein aller Liebster Drache. Sein Name lautet Raiden. Seinen Namen haben ich und mein Freund ihm geegeben. Er soll viel stärtker als seine Geschwister werden und zu einem kräftigen Drachen herranwachsen. Sein ältester Bruder ist
Serfan. Er kämpf genau wie er für unsere Gilde

Just for you
Just for you
I think of you every day
I’m not a saint but I pray
To the lord above
That you are my love
I dream of you every night
For me you’re never out of sight
Please, become my love
Please, become my love
This is just for you
Believe, these words are true
You’re my only love
And it’s only because
You’re the only one
Help control the storm
Stick with me and I
Will give you all my love
This is just for you
Believe, these words are true
You’re my only love
You’re in my soul
This is just for you
Believe, these words are true
You’re my only love
You’re in my soul
I just think of you every day
I’m not a saint but I pray
You’re my only love
And it’s only because
You’re the only on
Help control the storm
Stick with me and I
Will give you all my love
This is just for you
Believe, these words are true
You’re my only love
You’re in my soul